Caitlin Sellers Agency | Blog

Levo League Charlotte Happy Hour-ish

January 02, 2014|


| 11:28 AM

Levo Charlotte girls at the Happy Hour-ish at Whiskey Warehouse on 12/19/13. Everyone met for a holiday party and wore their glitter. I am looking forward to our next event on January 9th, click here for more details!

How To Sparkle For The Holidays

December 05, 2013|

Life, Local

| 02:22 PM

How To Sparkle For The Holidays.

Time flies; You're the pilot- Tips for Time Management

December 01, 2013|

Life, Professional

| 04:48 PM

Do you find your head spinning because your to do list is never-ending? I do. Are you the kind of person who has lists everywhere? Or not?