Caitlin Sellers Agency | Blog

Caitlin Sellers

Business growth is Caitlin’s focus, people is her passion and digital marketing is her niche. She enjoys advising professionals and businesses about digital marketing and providing inbound marketing strategy and services. Additionally, Caitlin's the energetic community organizer for Local Levo Charlotte in which she provide s the opportunity to elevate women's careers.
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Recent Posts


April 10, 2016|


| 08:30 PM

Busy is bullshit. Everyone has stuff going on, obligations to meet, people to spend time with, events to go to, down time to discover. Using busy as an excuse to not be your best self is a cop out. My point is, don't spread yourself too thin. Be intentional. Plan ahead. Take care of yourself before you worry about others.

In this blog post, I am going to touch on a few ways I keep myself productive and accomplishing my goals.


Charlotte Events Spring 2016

March 28, 2016|

Insider, Life, Local, Marketing, Professional

| 09:43 PM

Spring has sprung, and that means it's time to shake off the dust of winter and get out in CLT!

There are so many fantastic events happening around the Queen City this spring, from innovative arts showcases to high-impact professional development conferences. There's surely something in this list to pique your interest and get you pumped about engaging your peers in Charlotte!

4 Ways to Take a Workation

January 19, 2016|


| 09:19 PM

The first week of January is a pivotal time. Many people use this time making hollow resolutions that they won’t carry out for the remainder of the month, much less to the end of the year. That’s why I decided to get out of town and set the tone of productivity for 2016 as quickly as possible.