Caitlin Sellers Agency | Blog

Navigating Viral Trends & Your Brand | The Ice Bucket Challenge

August 26, 2014|

Life, Local, Marketing, Professional

| 05:54 AM

Here's My Card | Working Your Business Card

August 17, 2014|

Life, Local, Marketing, Professional

| 06:30 PM

What's the one thing you can't leave home without? Well, probably a few things. The most important item for your brand or company's growth is that good old 16th century networking tool - the calling card AKA the Business Card.

She Said WHAT?! | Maneuvering Office Politics

August 03, 2014|

Life, Marketing, Professional

| 09:19 AM

Navigating office relationships can feel like a real life game of Minesweeper. There are amazing benefits to working with multiple people to get a job done. Brainstorming, team-building, etc. But today, I'm not talking about that. Sometimes work is not fun and the people you work with can be a real drag. Here are five ways to keep cool in the midst of office politics.

I'm using some tips from the business experts at MindTools. It's a great resource for growing your career.

1. Know The Leaders:  Every workplace, company and co-op has a hierarchy. Look around your office to see who's in charge. Who's respected and who's most likely on the chopping block. Ducking out of office-politics altogether can hurt your career growth in the future. It's all about navigating your way.