Caitlin Sellers Agency | Blog

The Best Way To Manage Your Marketing Process

July 21, 2015|


| 08:13 PM

 Tackling steps through the inbound marketing process can be a little overwhelming. It is important to be familiar with its stages and to know the specific goals you want to achieve.

5 Things That Make Your Marketing Objectives Less Effective

June 28, 2015|

Marketing, Professional

| 07:30 PM



You’ve taken the time to identify what your, or your client’s marketing objectives are. You know you want potential customers to be aware of your product, have ample information about it, and eventually, purchase it. This is a great start!
To effectively market your product or service, you need to strategically map out your goals.

Why a SMART Goals Template Is Needed For Any Business

June 26, 2015|


| 09:07 AM

Research and planning are integral steps in the marketing process. You have to be knowledgeable and plan how you’re going to implement the goals you wish to achieve. Otherwise, you could be left throwing spaghetti at the wall just hoping something will stick.

Using a SMART Goals template will help you achieve your marketing goals in a thorough and organized way. 

 But, what are SMART goals?