Being a 24-year-old female and recent college graduated has proved challenging for me. 2013 has been an incredible growing year for me and I am so excited for the way things are going in my life.
With that being said, if you're reading this and having a hard time figuring out your place in the world, take a moment to take a deep breath and relax a little. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
Avid Readers
I also want to take a moment thank those who are following me; I am in the midst of embarking on some new adventures.
In addition, I am still in the middle of wedding season. David and I went to our 9th of 13 weddings we have been invited to this year. All of them are so unique it's hard not to think about how you would do things or for those that are already married, what you would do different.
Skipping forward to my day to day, I am absolutely loving how my career is unfolding. Marketing is something I have always found a passion for. I am glad it took me less than 2 years after graduating to know this is where I want my life to go.
Speaking of marketing, I am in a position now where I am my own pilot. People are my business. If you own a business, know someone in business, want to get into business, add value to business... I want to hear your story.
On a side note...
I am looking for ways to guest blog and invite people to guest blog for me. If you are interested, let me know. This = trade. One of the beauties of business. I am looking for photographers, videographers, writers, and graphic designers to show off their creativity. Seeing your work first hand will allow me to get the word out about you!
Charlotte Foodie
One opportunity I am delving in is food blogging. I am absolutely a foodie, so why not incorporate it into something I can inspire other people with. A friend of mine encouraged me to write about spring restaurant week earlier this year as a guest blogger for dineoutcharlotte.com, which put my personal blog on the 3rd page of Google. Not bad for a hometown blog? Opening myself up to new opportunities and listening to people’s advice and stories, I have grown more than ever before in my career this year.
And for my wedgies...
You're probably wondering what a wedgie is. It is a slang term for wedges, ya know the shoes? A friend of mine, Avery calls them that and ever since I heard it, I can't help but smile.
These are my favorite wedgies this year! I love Aerosoles, if you are on your feet a ton they have great prices and are super comfy. P.S. Teachers get discounts!
This image is one David took of me in Wine country when we were in Cali. I kinda like it.
My apologies for the rambling just thought I would say Hello.